
Primley Wood Primary School

Our School


Welcome to Primley Wood Primary School!

We are delighted that you have chosen to visit our website. We hope you will find it informative and helpful.

Here is a guide to the information you can find on our primary school website:

  1. Our School: Learn more about Primley Wood, our values, and mission. Also meet our team of dedicated and experienced teachers and support staff. Here you can also learn about our school uniform and our PTA.

  2. Key Information: Find information on how to apply to Primley Wood, Our policies, Safeguarding and SEND information.

  3. Curriculum: Explore our curriculum and find out what your child will be learning in each year group. We also provide information on assessment and reporting.

  4. News and Events: Discover the day-to-day life of Primley Wood, including our school day, extracurricular activities, our wide range of clubs and newsletters. 

  5. Parents: Find important information for parents, Wrap-Around Care, Attendance information & Parent handbook. 

  6. Children: Here you will find information on the Class Pages and Home Learning pages.

  7. Nursery: Learn more about our Nursery, Also meet our Wonderful staff & learn how to apply to Primley Wood Nursery. There is also details about the Curriculum and Outdoor Learning,

We hope that this information guide has been helpful to you. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about Primley Wood Primary School, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you to our school community.



Member of Owlcotes Multi-Academy Trust

Owlcoates MAT