
Primley Wood Primary School

Pupil Performance



Assessment is a vital part of all teaching and learning. It an integral process in which pupils’ attainment and progress is monitored and used to develop learning. Teachers and leaders continuously assess pupils' learning through assessment tasks, observations, feedback and careful monitoring of progress. This information is used to help teachers provided for all children’s needs; whether this is through additional support or further challenge. Discussion with parents and guardians at  Parent Consultation Meetings ensures further development of learning can be supported at home.

At the end of each academic year, teachers will assess how well children are doing based on the outcomes and performance expected for their age in the National Curriculum - this is often abbreviated to ARE (age-related expectations). This end of year assessment is reported to parents and carers in our annual pupil report, distributed in July.




The DfE require schools to complete statutory assessments at certain points during a child's time at primary school. These are completed at the same time by all pupils in state schools. The results are reported to parents, the government and the local authority.  The statutory tests are:

  • Early Years Foundation Stage Profile at the end of Reception
  • Year 1 Phonics Screening Check
  • KS1 SATs - Reading, Maths and Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation (sat at the end of Year 2)
  • KS2 SATs - Reading, Maths and Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation (sat at the end of Year 6)

Teacher assessments for writing and science are also submitted alongside the KS1 and KS2 SATs. 

Member of Owlcotes Multi-Academy Trust

Owlcoates MAT